The exact origin of yogurt is not known. But we do know that this important dairy product dates back to biblical times and beyond. Yogurt was probably first eaten in the Middle East. In that region’s hot climate, milk spoils rapidly. For this reason yogurt, which does not spoil easily, was a welcome discovery. Yogurt no doubt developed some time in the distant past when certain bacteria accidentally got into some stored milk.
That is what yogurt is today milk in which two friendly strains of bacteria are grown. The names of these micro organisms are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococus thermophilus

How is yogurt made? In its most common form, yogurt is made from cow’s milk. Much of the fat is often removed and nonfat milk solids with extra protein are added. The milk is homogenized, pasteurized, and then injected with the bacteria. Sometimes fruit preserves and other ingredients are added. But in natural yogurt, no artificial flavor, color, or preservatives should be used.
The milk, now containing the bacteria, is piped into machines that fill the yogurt cups you see in the stores. These cups are then stored in incubators until the product reaches the custard like thickness typical of yogurt. Throughout this process, temperatures must be carefully controlled for the yogurt to develop properly.
Yogurt is a food with many uses. It is a good source of protein calcium, certain B vitamins, and minerals. Because of its nutrional value, many people eat yogurt as a supplement to their reguler diet or as a snack between meals. It can be enjoyed by itself or combined with other foods, such as apple sauce, peanut butter, or dry cereal. Many cooks use yogurt in recipes for salad dressings, desserts, and main dishes.
Yogurt is a popular food in many parts of the world. In Finland it is glumes, in Norway kyael meelk, and in Russia prostokvasha. In India, the Balkans, and the Middle East, yogurt is used as an ingredient in many dishes.
Food markets in the United States offer different types of yogurt. There is the sundaestyle yogurt, with fruit on the bottom; Swissstyle, with fruit throughout; and westernstyle, with fruit on the bottom and fruit coloring and sweetening on top. Two of the most popular types of yogurt are frozen yogurt on a stick and soft frozen yogurt served from machines.
Some people make yogurt at home with their own yogurt machine. The instructions, which come with the machine, must be followed carefully. For example, unless the milk is kept at the right temperature, the bacteria cannot live. The result would then be sour milk, not yogurt.
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