

Diposting oleh admin | 01.37 | | 0 komentar »

What do you think of when you hear the world "carnival"? Doyou think of a traveling show that comes to town with exciting rides and games of chance? An entertainment put on by the local volunteer fire departemenjt or some other community organization to raise money? Or a yearly clebration like the Mardi Gras in New Orleans or the winter carnivals, and they aim to provide fun for people.

The world "carnival" comes from the Latin words carnem levare, "to put aside flesh [meat])." Its seems closely related also to the Latin expression carne vale! ("flesh, farewell1"). The carnival had its origin hundreds of years ago in the feasting and marrymaking just before the beginning of Lent. (Lent is the long period of penance before Easter during which Christians may fast and eat no meat).

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