South of the United Stated, starting at a point about 160 kilometers (100 miles) from the tip of Florida, lie the Caribbean islands, known also as the Atilles. The Antilles from an arc stretching about 3,220 kilometers (2,000 miles) east and south to the coast of Venezuela. Between this this arc of islands and the mainland of North, South, and Central America lies the Caribbean Sea. An arm of the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean covers an area of about 1,942,500 square kilometers (750,000 square miles). The Panama Canal connect the Caribbean with the Pacific Ocean, making the sea a major waterway.
Named for the Carib Indians who once inhabited the smaller islands, the sea is known for its clear blue color. The temperature of the water rarely falls below 240 C (750F). Beautiful tropical fish and fascinating marine life, including many kinds of coral, thrive in the mild water. Swimming, fishing, and snorkeling are popuylar sports.
There are several hundreds island in the Caribbean. The four largest, known as the Carribean. The four largest, known as the Greater Antilles, are Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Jamiaca, and Puerto Rico. These coprise more than 90 percent of the land area are the home of over 80 percent of the inhabitans. East and south are Lesser Antilles, which are made up of the Leeward and the Windward islands. Except for fall huriricanes, which sometimes cause great damage, the climate troughout the area is pleasant. Temperatures average about 21 to 290C (70 to 850F).
Tourism is a major source of income. Sugarcane, spices, limes, bananas, oranges, cacao, and coffee are among the products grown, and most of these are exported. In the Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic cattle raising is a major industry. Aruba, Curacao, and Trinidad produce petroleum, and Jamaica has large deposits of bauxite, a chief source alumunium.